
Deciding where to attend college is a significant choice. Our team is here to support you throughout the entire admission process. We’re dedicated to providing every applicant with the information 和 resources they need to make an informed decision 和 to begin their DU career from a point of preparation 和 confidence.

When you work with the Enrollment Division at the University of Denver, you’ll be engaging with a team that is focused on


We pride ourselves on our outst和ing 和 friendly individually-tailored customer service, vast knowledge of all things DU, respect 和 compassion for each individual 和 their experiences, 和 infectious excitement about the work that we do 和 the students 和 families we serve. The staff in MG线上电子游戏 和 金融援助 genuinely look forward to speaking with you, 与你会面, 和你一起工作. 让我们# DUthis!

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